Q: What can I expect if I register for the Drop20Now program/course?
A: You can expect to learn a lot, you can expect your muscles to be a little sore in the beginning, you can expect to learn about proper nutrition with regards to losing weight…and much more!
Expect a weight loss of 8-20 lbs. and better health, better shape, better fitness and a better life!
This is NOT a gimmick program/product that provides “false promises” or provides disclaimers like, “Results Not Typical” so don’t expect to see words like MAGIC, MIRACLE and the like in our promotions.
Q: What is involved in the program?
A: Drop20Now is a comprehensive program which includes:
- A Instructional Workbook which contains a NEW & Unique Home Exercise Routine (Easy to follow, Step-by-Step instructions with images)
- A Reducing Nutrition/Diet Plan (Can be used in conjunction with other diet programs)
- Motivational Progress Chart to keep you on track
- Tips on how to successfully complete the program/course
- And you get personal coaching via email support tips for 28 days to ensure that you reach your goals.
Q: Do I need to buy any equipment?
A: NO! - The Drop20Now program uses a combination of standard body weight & isometric exercises performed on a flight of stairs. The routine is progressive in nature so that intensities and duration can be adjusted up or down based on current fitness levels and abilities.
Q: Do I have to “Diet?”
A: NO & YES - You can’t “Eat-All-You-Want” if thanks you’re asking. The Drop20Now program reduces the amount of calories ingested to lose weight according to your set goals.
The Drop20Now Nutrition Plan works with most “national diet programs” if you already on that food plan.
Q: I don’t like to exercise, it’s not fun.
A: First of all, this is not a question, it’s a statement and who says exercise has to be fun?
You signed-up for the Drop20Now program to see RESULTS. If you want to have fun, you can go Jet Ski or ride a Roller Coaster.
Q: What if I want to lose more than 20 lbs?
A: You have 2 options:
1) You can continue to do the Drop20Now program on your own.
2) You can sign-up for the Drop20More program. (You must complete the D20N course.)
Q: Can I receive an invoice to pay for the Drop20Now Program?
A: Yes, we can invoice you. Simply send us your email address and we will send an invoice.
(Payments are processed securely through PayPal).
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please send them to nationalfitness1000@yahoo.com